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Sometimes you just need a witness and guide to rediscover, recharge and renew yourself. The Joyful Soul Project focuses on helping clients restore their inspiration to improve their health, decrease stress, build resilience and enjoy lifelong health & wellbeing. 

Coaching is a powerful tool that builds on your natural strengths, talents and life experience to reach your personal and professional goals. I love the experience of partnering to discover, take action and make lasting changes that align with your values, desires and inherent wisdom. I am here to serve you by listening, supporting, challenging, and nudging you toward your best self while providing tools to ensure you can maintain your progress. We will come up with an actionable plan to move you forward.

Mindfulness meditation is a simple yet profound practice of awareness that focuses on appreciating the present moment.  Mindfulness is a practice of acceptance that deepens our wisdom and compassion for our self and others. You can learn to balance energy and calmness that supports your ease and well-being with meditation. Mindfulness can decrease stress, improve our immune systems, strengthen resilience and enhance our capacity to experience joy. I work with individuals and groups to develop and sustain a mindfulness practice that supports health and wellbeing.

Joyful Soul Project offers workshops and retreats to groups and organizations that address a range of topics and interests. Topics include building resilience for well being, mindfulness practice for leaders, integrating mindfulness into daily practice for caregivers,  healing the healers to address compassion fatigue & burnout, group coaching for heart patients, and gaining clarity and intention for your life with vision boards & art.  Contact me to develop a customized program for your group or organization.


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